
Faith at Home: Cultivating an Intentional Home

Faith at Home: Cultivating an Intentional Home

Cultivating an intentional home is really about intentional parenting. It is that idea of knowing where you are...
My Imperfect Family

My Imperfect Family

We all have a family and it’s undoubtedly flawed. Despite the best intentions of our parents or ourselves,...
Healing Imperfections

Healing Imperfections

April 11, 2021
When relationships are messy and disappointing we look to the principles provided in scripture - forgiveness, grace, mercy...
Imperfect Parents

Imperfect Parents

May 9, 2021
Parenting is difficult. As children grow and develop, they change; they continue to develop their personalities and understanding...
Spiritual Life: Building Resilience

Spiritual Life: Building Resilience

Resilience. We all want more of it but how can you build skills to not only survive but...
Faith at Home: Navigating Technology With Our Youth

Faith at Home: Navigating Technology With Our Youth

Jordan Cavanaugh, our guest speaker at our Faith @ Home event, shared helpful, up-to-date information on technology and...
The Ethic of Love

The Ethic of Love

September 17, 2022
Parent’s behaviour (not their advice or instruction) is a dominant factor in determining whether children will want to...
Purposeful Discipline

Purposeful Discipline

September 24, 2022
Punishment shouldn’t be the goal of discipline. Biblically speaking, restoration and the preservation of the relationship is always...
What Matters Most

What Matters Most

October 1, 2022
Most parents, whether they’ve expressed it or not, have something of a ‘true north’ when it comes to...
Jairus: A Synagogue Leader

Jairus: A Synagogue Leader

August 13, 2023
A dad’s heart breaks for his dying little girl. Jesus responds with reassurance: ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’...