Welcome to Sherwood Park Alliance. We're looking forward to meeting you! Whoever you are, wherever you're coming from, and whatever your faith journey looks like - we're confident that Sherwood Park Alliance could be your home church.
We have something for all walks of life where you are invited into a place of deep community, where you can be known, loved, and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.
We believe that actively serving not only brings us closer to God but reminds us to love others as he does. Through serving, you'll use the unique ways that God has gifted you to help create welcoming environments where he can change lives.
At Sherwood Park Alliance, we want to make it easy for you to learn and grown in your understanding of Jesus.
We are excited to welcome new and returning families to the 2025/2026 School Year!
Accepting Registrations now! Register today!
At TreeHouse Preschool, it's our goal that every child feels like they belong and love their first experience of school as they are introduced to the classroom environment, interact with caring teachers and other kids and learn together in fun, interactive ways.
Monday & Wednesday (3 year olds planning to attend Kindergarten Sept 2027)Morning class | 8:45-11 amAfternoon class | 12:30-2:45 pmTo attend, children must be fully toilet trained (no pull-ups) and 3 years old by August 31. These classes are for kids who plan to attend two years of preschool.
Tuesday & Thursday (PreK planning to attend Kindergarten Sept 2026)Morning class | 8:45-11 amAfternoon class | 12:30-2:45 pmChildren must be 4 years old by December 31 of the school year and planning to attend Kindergarten the following year.
Registration Fee | $50Paid online when registration submitted; non-refundable if your child receives a spot in the class.
Tuition Fee | $79 per month* for 10 months (September - June)*Actual cost is $154 per month but the Federal-Provincial Child Care Agreement will automatically cover $75 per child. Additional subsidy is available for families making $180,000 or less and using preschool for childcare purposes so the full tuition cost can be covered. Please check out the Alberta Childcare Subsidy for eligibility.
Special Events Fee | $125Paid in September
See what's happening at TreeHouse!
Our curriculum is purposely planned by our staff to address the following areas of your child's development:
No, parents are not required to volunteer. We understand parents are busy and often use the time during preschool to work, run errands or care for other children. Parents are invited twice a year to attend preschool with their child as a special guest on their leader day and their birthday celebration day. For field trips, parents are not required but we invite as many as possible to attend because many parents or grandparents enjoy experiencing the joy of the bus ride and excitement of the field trip with their preschooler.
In School Field TripsWe welcome special guests in our classroom to enhance our lessons.
Off Site Field TripsA highlight for our kids is to ride the bus to our three off-site field trips that we have each year. Trips may include farm, gymnastics, zoo, train museum, restaurant, etc.
Holiday CelebrationsIn class holiday celebrations, Family Christmas Concert/Live Nativity in December, Parent/Child Night in April and Pre-K Graduation in June.
TreeHouse Preschool is a ministry of Sherwood Park Alliance Church and a government-licensed preschool facility. The TreeHouse is connected to Strathcona Christian Academy (SCA) as both are ministries of Sherwood Park Alliance Church, but the TreeHouse is not part of Elk Island Public Schools.
Registration for Kindergarten at SCA is a separate process and acceptance at SCA is not guaranteed if your child attends TreeHouse Preschool. Please follow the SCA Elementary registration process for Kindergarten.
SCA Elementary Office780.449.2787
Every January we host an Open House for new families to bring their child into the classroom, meet our teachers and ask questions. We love to connect with you! Please reserve your spot. Limited spaces are available. If it doesn’t work for your family to attend, please email [email protected] and we will arrange a time to meet.
Register your child in January of the year that you would like them to attend. We do not accept registrations before the year your child will attend to allow everyone, even those new to Sherwood Park, a chance to participate in our preschool.
Discover a list of programs and activities, services for families of young children and information on developmental milestones.