About This Series

My Imperfect Family

April 2021 - May 2021

We all have a family and it’s undoubtedly flawed. Despite the best intentions of our parents or ourselves, family can be messy and the source of hurt. And sometimes our attempts to make things better only makes things worse. Instead of being overcome by defeat, join us as we explore God’s power to make our imperfect families a little less imperfect.  

Messages from this Series

Healing Imperfections

Healing Imperfections

April 11, 2021
When relationships are messy and disappointing we look to the principles provided in scripture - forgiveness, grace, mercy and to the nature and character of Jesus. He never gave up on anyone. He has a capacity for patience, His heart is to give and forgive.
This is the full service. Sermon begins at 27:53.

New Copernicans

New Copernicans

April 18, 2021
A parallel exists between the story of Nicodemus and his curiosity-seeking mentality to that of our young adults and the millennial generation. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, sought-out and questioned Jesus. Instead of condemning Nicodemus, Jesus encouraged him to continue the conversation and to ask questions. We, as a church, need to do the same with young people. When young people are asked why they are leaving the church, the top response is they feel like the church is full of condemnation and rigidity--they have to act and perform in a certain way in order to be accepted. This is contrary to Jesus' approach to Nicodemus.
Allow our young people to ask questions and keep the doors of conversation and connection going, even though it may be scary and difficult, invite discussion. As Christians, let's look for ways to build bridges into communities and people groups that are different from our own. Fight to understand and empathize with a young person's story and recognize them as individuals. Even though our young people may be moving away from the church or have left the institution of "church", many continue to seek Jesus. Let's allow them to freedom to explore the path to Jesus and to live in authentic faith. There is hope.
This is the full service. Sermon begins at 20:52.
Kids Questions
Spiritual Mismatches

Spiritual Mismatches

April 25, 2021
In every relationship, misalignment is already built-in; one person’s likes, habits and hobbies may be in contrast to those of the other person, but as a couple, we learn to navigate through this, managing it rather than looking at it as a problem to solve. Marriage is already challenging; being spiritually mismatched elevates the complexity of the relationship to another level. In the third installment of My Imperfect Family, Pastor Greg addresses spiritual misalignment in relationships whether you are married, engaged, or thinking about marriage. At the core is the belief that you should be in harmony—connected not only physically and emotionally, but also spiritually. But what if you are already married and are spiritually misaligned? In God’s eyes, the marriage relationship is uniquely set apart and almost always worth saving. Navigate the relationship rather than looking at it as a problem to solve. Pastor Greg shared an acronym to that may “HELP” navigate a spiritual mismatch:

H – Harness support from others. Find supportive friends who will be truthful and authentic.
E – Exercise restraint – give space; behave as a Christian. As you become more loving, your significant other will notice.
L – Live your faith. Trust in God’s timing.
P – Pray like crazy for the man or woman you love.

This is the full service. Sermon begins at 19:23.
Kids Questions
Bless Me

Bless Me

May 02, 2021
Words are powerful. Spoken words, especially words uttered by parents, a spouse, close friends or others we love and respect shape our lives. Some people thrive as a result of the words they’ve received, while others are haunted by the careless, mean-spirited words they’ve received. We all crave affirmation and long for a respected person to respect us and tell us we are good. Sometimes we want this so bad we are willing to do almost anything to get it.
In Genesis 12, that is exactly what Jacob did when he and his mother, Rebecca, conspired to trick his father, Isaac to get what he wanted. Jacob pretended to be his older, twin brother so he could receive the blessing intended for the first-born son. This was not just any blessing like we would think of from today, it was a biblical blessing that spoke to a person’s destiny, almost like a prophecy given by someone in a position of authority who was guided by God’s grace and was able to bestow on another – it was a big deal and it was binding. The actions and the deception of Jacob tore the family apart causing even further dysfunction. Words carry a tremendous weight, and if we receive critique rather than confirmation our life may be marked by some crippling wounds.
Pastor Greg and Pastor Jeremy share a little bit about the environment they grew up in and talk about the words they heard… or didn’t hear. Where there are gaps in their lives, God sent people to fill-in those gaps to replace what wasn’t received. For many of us, we can’t go back, but we can be people who step in and fill those gaps for others. We can be people of blessing looking for opportunity to step-in where kind words, affirmation and blessing may be needed. Wherever there is relationship and influence, there is room for blessing.
This is the full service. Sermon begins at 21:10.

Imperfect Parents

Imperfect Parents

May 09, 2021
Parenting is difficult. As children grow and develop, they change; they continue to develop their personalities and understanding about the world around them. Parents are tasked with navigating the best way to effectively care for, coach and guide them through these experiences, based on a child’s unique needs, while trying hard not to mess up!
One piece of advice that was given to Pastor Greg Hochhalter when he first became a parent, was to parent in stages:
• Discipline Stage: Ages 1-5
• Training Stage: Ages 5-12
• Coaching Years: Ages 13-19
• Friendship Years: Ages 20+
Pastors Greg Hochhalter, Rita Penner, Greg Ramsden, and Jeremy Cook wrap-up the My Imperfect Family series. Together they discuss their experiences and some wisdom they’ve learned on their parenting. They also offer some advice to parents who are going through the different stages of parenting and discuss what God has to say about parenting and relationships in general.
This is the full service. Sermon begins at 27:04.

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