
Find Your People

Groups are gatherings of people from all walks of life where you are invited into a place of deep community, where you can be known, loved, and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.

Medium-Sized Groups

If you're feeling new and unconnected, medium-sized groups are a safe entry point into connection for anyone to begin feeling like they are known and belong in our church.

Life Groups

Life Groups takes connection one step further. Pursuing deep community, where you are committed to being in ongoing relationships with Jesus and one another in your discipleship journey. By participating in an in-person or online group, you can expect to connect with others through a common activity, engaging in life-giving conversation and study that will grow your walk with Jesus.

Support Groups

Every life has seasons of pain, crisis and challenges that can be isolating and confusing. Support Groups are a safe place to find connections, hope, and a path forward. Support groups are offered in areas such as mental health, grief, and identity.  

Grow with Friends

Being part of a group can help you deepen your faith. Check out some examples of how groups have made an impact in people’s lives.