Young Adults

Where young adults can find a community to belong to and journey to become deeply rooted followers of Jesus.

Upcoming Events


Estate Planning... The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

clock 9:30 AM calendar Sat, Apr 5

Young Adults Community

clock 7:00 PM calendar Mon, Apr 7

The Way Gaming

clock 6:00 PM calendar Fri, Apr 11

Big Questions About The Existence of God

clock 7:00 PM calendar Thu, Apr 24

Young Adults Community

SPAC YA is an invitation for anyone aged 18-29, to find a community where you can Belong & Become. Experience meaningful connections and engaging discussions every second Monday evening, as we journey together in faith and life.

Ways to Connect

We believe in our young adults as the next and now generation to build up His church here at Sherwood Park Alliance Church.

Making room and inviting our young adults into every area of our church to have an impact and integrate into their disciple journey what it means to be a part of the church.

Here at Sherwood Park Alliance, we see our young adults thrive in their Belonging & Becoming Deeply Rooted Followers of Jesus, by being a part of a life group, our weekend services and having an impact on one of our serving teams, like youth ministry, kids ministry or worship. We've seen our young adults community and faith grow as they intentionally step into one of these areas. 

Life Group

Start or join a Life Group (Ages 18+)

Let’s get something started together and see where God is calling you into His church to be a part of and experience what it means to Belong & Become Deeply Rooted Followers Of Jesus.

We’d love to connect with you!