Uncomfortably Comfortable

March 11, 2022

Uncomfortably Comfortable

Hey Church Family!

So looking forward to being with you this weekend as we continue on our series “A Fisherman’s Story”.

This weekend we will be looking at 3 stories Peter and Mark included right at the very top of the gospel. There is a reason for this – the way ancient texts were arranged spoke just as much as the words that were included in them. Mark (and Peter) want us to know early on in this Gospel, who Jesus was, and what he was up to. If you want to read ahead head to Mark 1:40-2:17. I will let you in on the big idea here and now (but don’t take this as a reason to skip out of church this weekend) - Jesus fought to radically include the excluded, He has the power and authority to make you whole (in all areas of your life), and he invites you to be a part of the team with Him!

It's been a joy to gather with you both in person and online. Thanks for being such a faithful community. I was privileged to serve in the back on the cameras last weekend, and listened as our in-person church family raised their voices for our online church family to hear! Love getting to be one of your Pastors!

Lastly, I want to say a huge thank you to the many of you who have already contributed to our Online Enhancement Project! I am really excited for what this project is going to mean for the future of our church. If you’d like to join with us on this project, head to www.spac.ca/online.

Brody Jespersen | Senior Associate Pastor


"The public weekend gathering is no longer the front door - the digital presence and online experience of church is overwhelmingly our first point of connection with the spiritually curious, and an essential method for initiating and fostering discipling relationships within our congregation. Streaming online is more than a broadcast - it's a platform with which to nuture meaningful connections with online viewers.

The hybrid church is the new normal.

To help support this new normal, we are launching an Online Ministry Enhancement campaign. For more information please see spac.ca/online!


We are called to make disciples of Jesus... to love God and to love others and membership is a commitment to help create, lead and resource our ministry environments. If you believe in what God is doing at Sherwood Park Alliance Church, take your next step — be a part of the team. If you would like to learn more about what it means to be a member of Sherwood Park Alliance, register for the upcoming Membership Class on March 15, 2022. 

Board of Elders Update

Recently the Sherwood Park Alliance Board of Elders elected the following individuals to serve as officers: Trent Forsberg, Board Chair; Grace Albers, Vice Chair; Randy Liedtke, Secretary; Manny Schmidt, Treasurer. In addition, Jonathan Stephenson anad Kyla Loewen were named Representative to the SCA Society Board with Rudy Froese and Al Schuld appointed to serve as members of the Nominating Committee. Please pray for these leaders as they seek to wisely guide our congregation this year! If you wish to communicate with the Board for any reason, you may reach them at the following email address: elders@spac.ca.

Ukraine Refugee Ministry

As of February 28, over 300,000 Ukrainians have fled across the Polish border. In response to this urgent situation the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada has connected with The Church of Christ in Poland. As refugees from Ukraine flood into Poland, church buildings, church camps and private homes are being used to welcome them. Currently the Polish people are giving all they can to help. However there is a need for additional funding to supply food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. For more information on how you can help, please see the Global Emergency Response.