Online Ministry




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First Point of Connection

First Point of Connection

The public weekend gathering is no longer the front door - the digital presence and online experience of church is overwhelmingly our first point of connection with the spiritually curious, and an essential method for initiating and fostering discipling relationships within our congregation. Streaming online is more than a broadcast - it's a platform with which to nuture meaningful connections with online viewers.
The hybrid church is the new normal.

Online Ministry Enhancement brochure

Project Scope

Project Scope

In June 2021, the Board of Elders and Membership resoundingly approved a strategy which allows for church to be experienced fully on screens and through web searches. The objective is a full-scale shift to a hybrid approach to ministry.
On June 15, 2022, at the Annual Budget Meeting, the membership voted to proceed immediately by rescoping the project to a budget of $400,000 while restricting the new borrowing to a maximum of $100,000.  Focus will be placed on the Auditorium Enhancements with a budget amount of $350,000, and the Website Rebuild with a budget amount of $50,000. 
At this time, a pause will be placed on the Studio A,  Studio B and Mobile App projects.
Project Elements
This element aligns the experience of the viewer and the experience of the on-site audience so that viewers can accurately anticipate what their first in person vist will be like. The main auditorium will receive a complete video system redesign, something that was not included in the previouse Renew campaign.
This space will expand the capacity for live interaction during public services, including uniquely tuned next steps and guidance for participation in the sacraments for online worship participants. This video suite will include a multi-camera setup, lighting and audio package. This will enable us to capture content at a higher quality level for weekend service messages, church news, testimonies, training videos, Youth and Life Groups etc.
This space is designed to be able to quickly and simply capture testimony and commentary. It is a simple and user-friendly video capture suite for a variety of purposes (testimony, social media content, church news, training etc.). Staff and lay leaders can record testimonies and content in a simple, easy to use space.
Effective websites are built around a target audience and market. They are easy to navigate and include thoughtful organizational structure. Redevelopement will include personalized features and easy, user friendly content navigation for anyone who lands on site. The mobile app will extend these features in a customizable app that allows easy access to the Sherwood Park Alliance Church community.

Project Total: $400,000 (adjusted from $695,000)



The approval motion sets a threshold of 50% ($347,248) of the capital project to be pledged before proceeding. Fundraising Campaign will run from August 2021 - August 2023.
  • July 2021: Campaign Planning and Case Development
  • August - October 2021: Fundraising
  • November 2021: 50% threshold and Project Procurement and Build - once the threshold has been met, we anticipate that many of the elements will be operational within 90 days and project being fully operational within 1 year.
  • December 2021 - August 2023: Fundraising Completion
  • June 2022 - Project scope adjusted to be able to proced immediately with the Auditorium Enhancements and Website Rebuild.
The congregation has approved commencement of this project once 50% of the funds have been pledged. The costs of the project will be financed until the pledges and full amount has been donated.
*Note - June 2022 our membership voted to restrict the new borrowing amount to a maximum of $100,000.
The technology focus of Renew was lighting and sound. The focus of the Online Ministry Enhancement project is video capture and online delivery of that content via a renewed website.
Your gift can take the form of credit card (M/C, Visa, Debit M/C, Debit Visa) via the secure form below (preferable) or cash, cheque, investments or shares. We would be pleased to visit futher about the approach that is most advantageous for you.

What people are saying...

Online Ministry Enhancement Pledge Progress

37.22% received of $400,000 goal  with 34 pledges committed
Goal Date - 2023-08-01
Current Date
Pledged $148,868.00
Goal $400,000.00
Needed $251,132.00
Last Update: 8:38am

Online Ministry Enhancement Gifts Received

90.97% received of $400,000 goal  with 591 gifts received
Goal Date - 2023-08-01
Current Date
Recieved $363,865.81
Goal $400,000.00
Needed $36,134.19
Last Update: 8:38am


Note: This commitment is a statement of intent and may be changed as your circumstances change.