On the seventh day God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it he rested from all his work of creation. (Genesis 2:2-3 CSB)
Happy 5th day of the week,
Have you ever considered the implications of the statement ‘...God rested?’ Does this mean God gets weary? That’s kind of fascinating to think about, right?
Or could it be that the commentary from Genesis 2 is more about us and our need for rest?
This weekend, I’ll be teaching part 2 of our series on Sacred Practices: Sabbath. Following the link will take you to part 1 if you want to catch what you may have missed, and you’ll also find a link to resources for individual or group learning. There’s good stuff there, including something for you podcast junkies. This weekend’s message will be more theological as we process how the Sabbath concept is built into the rhythm of creation and how Sabbath keeping is essential for being the kind of humans we’re created to be. As always, online or in person, Saturday @6 or Sunday @10.
Rest easy, friends,
Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor
Did you know...
...that we have a prayer room? It is located by the back east entrance beside the fireside room. This room is open for you to use after weekend services or throughout the week.
You will find a nice, quiet space to pray with some resources there.

Oftentimes, grief is so overwhelming we wonder if we'll ever find a way out. Know you don't need to grieve the loss of a loved one alone. Find support, comfort, and community with others who have experienced bereavement and discover how God can give you peace and hope through your grieving. GriefShare is a 13-week program designed to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Each session is “self-contained,” but we will be closing registration after 4 sessions.
Cost for the workbook is $35.00.
There are many different types of support groups starting up this fall. To learn more, please see spac.ca/groupfinder.

Groups Open House
In September, we will hear a lot about Group life at Sherwood Park Alliance Church and invite you to consider joining in. There are various types of groups to choose from: Life Groups, Medium Size Groups and Support Groups.
On the September 23/24 weekend, we will host a Groups Open House to learn more about how you can find a group to belong to.
An easy introduction to group life is by joining our Connections—a 6-week journey with others in a medium-sized setting. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a meal, meet others, talk about faith through our sermon series, and pray for each other. Connections is a quick and simple way to find community!
For more information on how you can get connected, please get in touch with groups@spac.ca.

Pizza with the Pastor
If you are new or feel new, join us to learn more about our church. Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunity to meet others.
Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team.
The next Pizza with the Pastor will be held on September 24 at 11:15 am, and we would love for you to join us! For more info and to register, please see here.

For many of us, grief is a deeply painful, lonely, and isolating experience. When someone we care about dies or we go through any other 43 forms of loss, we often feel unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with our emotions and the journey ahead.
Sadly, we haven't been taught the information on how to navigate our grief in a healthy and meaningful way. Instead, we are told, "keep busy," "be strong," and "wait for time to pass”. Many intellectual messages we hear are not emotionally helpful and further isolate us from our fear and pain.
Join us on September 26 to learn from Guest Presenter Ashley Mielke, psychologist and founder of the Grief and Trauma Healing Center, as she helps us better understand grief and how we can best support others after any loss.

Our semi-annual Clothing Exchange is just around the corner!
This a large event that serves our community in a meaningful way. You do not need to donate to attend, and everything is free.
If you have items to donate, they can be dropped off starting at 4 pm on September 29 through to 11 am on September 30.
All clothing must be washed and clean.
Items accepting: Men, women and children's clothing, footwear, belts, purses, small household items, small children's toys, and books
Items not accepted: Car seats, sports equipment, helmets, furniture, damaged goods
If you are able to help out at this event, please register. Thank you!

In The Know at SPAC!
Another place to stay In The Know and connected is to follow our social media accounts!
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
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