
Living Life Backward

Living Life Backward

Life is short. We do the same things over and over and over again in a world repeating...
Stop Pretending

Stop Pretending

September 20, 2020
If we won't live forever, or even long enough to make a lasting difference in the world, how...
Find Joy in Little Things

Find Joy in Little Things

September 27, 2020
Facing death can radically enable us to enjoy life. By relativizing all that we do in our days...
Be a Beautiful Old Person

Be a Beautiful Old Person

November 15, 2020
It's possible to live so as to make old age very sad, and then it is possible to...
Know Your Why

Know Your Why

November 22, 2020
Every duty or responsibility we have toward anyone or anything else, we have toward our God first and...
You Give them Something

You Give them Something

Few things cause us to depend on God more than pushing through fears, excuses, or perceived inadequacies in...
You Give Them Something

You Give Them Something

September 5, 2021
Few things cause us to depend on God more than pushing through fears, excuses, or perceived inadequacies in...
Priority One

Priority One

Pray first. Prayer is a priority in the life of a believer, and of any community of faith....
Priority One

Priority One

January 2, 2022
For centuries church leaders have taken their priority cues from the book of Acts. On the first weekend...
The Time Has Come

The Time Has Come

March 6, 2022
It’s possible to live every single day of your life with the assurance that God is near.
Uncomfortably Comfortable

Uncomfortably Comfortable

March 13, 2022
Jesus was unlike the other rabbis. He ignored religious protocols. He claimed to be able to forgive sin....
Whitewashed Tombs

Whitewashed Tombs

March 20, 2022
If you don’t like religious hypocrites, you have something in common with Jesus. He didn’t care for ‘em...
Stop Going To Church (Part 1)

Stop Going To Church (Part 1)

September 3, 2022
Full participation in a church is a way of rebelling against consumer desire becoming the center of your...
Wise Faith

Wise Faith

October 15, 2022
The challenges we experience are not necessarily God’s doing but often they’re opportunities for us to grow in...
Wise Business

Wise Business

December 10, 2022
Wisdom and wealth have a conflicted relationship, so for entrepreneurs and business leaders, there’s a fine line between...
New Years Day - 2023

New Years Day - 2023

January 1, 2023
Following Jesus isn’t about trying harder to be good. It’s about listening better to the Voice that has...
I AM: The Bread of Life

I AM: The Bread of Life

April 16, 2023
None of us need look elsewhere for spiritual food, nourishment, and sustenance – Jesus is everything we need...Jesus...
I AM: The Light of the World

I AM: The Light of the World

April 23, 2023
To follow Jesus means to believe in and trust Him, which leads to, as Jesus Himself said, light...
I AM: The Gate for the Sheep

I AM: The Gate for the Sheep

April 30, 2023
Many of us spend our lives searching for exactly what Jesus offers – and all it takes is...
I AM: The Good Shepherd

I AM: The Good Shepherd

May 7, 2023
Jesus is not only a door that welcomes us home, but He’s the One who leads (and doesn’t...
I AM: The Resurrection & the Life

I AM: The Resurrection & the Life

May 14, 2023
Jesus is resurrection life – He brings life to the physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually dead!
I AM: The Way, the Truth, & the Life

I AM: The Way, the Truth, & the Life

May 21, 2023
Jesus does not simply teach the way or point the way; He IS the way. ‘The Way,’ was...
I AM: The True Vine

I AM: The True Vine

May 28, 2023
As the true vine, Jesus encourages us to “...live, remain, and make your home in Me.” This is...


June 4, 2023
The ‘genius of the AND’ is a concept developed by Jim Collins in his best-selling book Built to...


June 11, 2023
With billions of people in the world, someone should have designed a system, a place where nobody does...


June 18, 2023
Belonging matters...it matters a lot, but BECOMING is the ultimate goal. If all we do is create welcoming...
Malkijah: The Dung Gate Guy

Malkijah: The Dung Gate Guy

July 16, 2023
The seemingly small Kingdom contributions can sometimes make the biggest difference.
Belong & Become Part 1

Belong & Become Part 1

August 27, 2023
This weekend we will be hearing from some of our people as they share stories from their journey...
Deeply Rooted...IN JESUS

Deeply Rooted...IN JESUS

October 1, 2023
We believe the whole world (homes, workplaces, churches, and communities) – are made better when Jesus and His...
Deeply Rooted...IN ATTITUDE

Deeply Rooted...IN ATTITUDE

October 8, 2023
Blessed are those who recognize their deep dependency on God. No matter how bad things might get, it’s...
Deeply Rooted...IN INFLUENCE

Deeply Rooted...IN INFLUENCE

October 15, 2023
God’s heart for His followers is that they salt the earth and light the world – to permeate...
The Art of Advent | Joseph

The Art of Advent | Joseph

December 10, 2023
Joseph’s supportive, background role in the Christmas story is a comfort to those of us who feel like...
Stay Dependent

Stay Dependent

January 7, 2024
The more we cultivate deep reliance on God the more we foster a relationship that empowers and sustains...