
Jonah Prays

Jonah Prays

February 20, 2022
God is never more than one prayer away.
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

January 8, 2023
God helps those who ASK for help!
I AM: The Bread of Life

I AM: The Bread of Life

April 16, 2023
None of us need look elsewhere for spiritual food, nourishment, and sustenance – Jesus is everything we need...Jesus...
I AM: The Light of the World

I AM: The Light of the World

April 23, 2023
To follow Jesus means to believe in and trust Him, which leads to, as Jesus Himself said, light...
I AM: The Gate for the Sheep

I AM: The Gate for the Sheep

April 30, 2023
Many of us spend our lives searching for exactly what Jesus offers – and all it takes is...
I AM: The Good Shepherd

I AM: The Good Shepherd

May 7, 2023
Jesus is not only a door that welcomes us home, but He’s the One who leads (and doesn’t...
I AM: The Resurrection & the Life

I AM: The Resurrection & the Life

May 14, 2023
Jesus is resurrection life – He brings life to the physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually dead!
I AM: The Way, the Truth, & the Life

I AM: The Way, the Truth, & the Life

May 21, 2023
Jesus does not simply teach the way or point the way; He IS the way. ‘The Way,’ was...
I AM: The True Vine

I AM: The True Vine

May 28, 2023
As the true vine, Jesus encourages us to “...live, remain, and make your home in Me.” This is...
Balaam: From Donkey to Doxology

Balaam: From Donkey to Doxology

July 9, 2023
A pagan seer for hire, a terrified king, and a talking donkey all point toward God’s promises being...
Jairus: A Synagogue Leader

Jairus: A Synagogue Leader

August 13, 2023
A dad’s heart breaks for his dying little girl. Jesus responds with reassurance: ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’...
The Art of Advent  - Christmas in the Park | Emmanuel

The Art of Advent - Christmas in the Park | Emmanuel

December 24, 2023
If God is with us, then so is life and hope. The Christmas Eve service at SPAC.
Act Courageously

Act Courageously

January 14, 2024
Like Moses, we too can navigate seemingly impossible situations with faith and resolve.
The Feast

The Feast

March 3, 2024
The Passover meal, which had been the most important moment in the life and history of Israel, is...
The Cup

The Cup

March 10, 2024
As Jesus begins to experience the spiritual, cosmic, infinite disintegration that would happen when He became separated from...
What is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost and why is it so important to God’s story with humanity?