


October 24, 2021
Nobody is in a more danger from religion, than the religious, because religion is often toxic. Religion is...
Doomsday Hope

Doomsday Hope

December 12, 2021
What do we do with the religious sense that some people are ‘in’ and some are ‘out?’ The...


December 19, 2021
The grand narrative of the Bible is Good News, not bad. The story of the Bible is NOT...
Jonah Runs

Jonah Runs

February 13, 2022
It's never too late to stop running from God. In chapter 1 we see the first indicators of...
Jonah Whines

Jonah Whines

February 27, 2022
I love grace when God extends it to me. It's God extending it to certain others that most...
The Battle of the Gods

The Battle of the Gods

May 28, 2022
God of the bible, is better than the god of thunder.
Make Grace Amazing Again

Make Grace Amazing Again

June 11, 2022
Transformation is only possible, through the Grace of Jesus, and the work of his spirit.
Lydia: A Dealer in Purple Cloth

Lydia: A Dealer in Purple Cloth

August 6, 2023
Lydia is one of several ‘nobodies’ who encounter Jesus in Acts 16. Their stories remind us that the...
Deeply Rooted...IN INFLUENCE

Deeply Rooted...IN INFLUENCE

October 15, 2023
God’s heart for His followers is that they salt the earth and light the world – to permeate...
Christ and the Wider Community

Christ and the Wider Community

June 9, 2024
The wider community is watching...what do they see in you? In us?