About This Series

Easter Weekend 2023

April 2023 - April 2023

On Easter weekend, we will journey through three unique gatherings to end the Holy Week. We will recognize the most significant event in religious history, the driving force for the birth of Christ’s church. Each day will offer a different experience as we journey together from the sorrow and remembrance of Good Friday (Communion will be served), the waiting in Holy Saturday and the celebration of Easter Sunday - with baptisms!

We would love for you to join us online or in person for one or all days!

Messages from this Series

Good Friday

Good Friday

April 07, 2023

On Good Friday, we gather to mourn our Saviour’s death on the cross by centring our focus on remembering His sacrifice through communion. We take time to thank Him for all that he gave up and what it means for us. 

Kids Weekly Lesson

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

April 08, 2023

The day in between Christ’s death and His resurrection we wait in anticipation. In much the same way as we wait for His return now, we take pause as we long for what is to come. 

Kids Weekly Lesson

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

April 09, 2023

He has Risen! On Easter Sunday we celebrate our Saviour’s resurrection and His triumph over death! We will come together and experience the baptisms of people as they join Christ in moving from death to life! 

Kids Weekly Lesson

Join Us for Worship

Join us online in person Saturdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 10 am. Or worship live with us online at 10 am.