I AM: The Bread of Life

April 14, 2023

I AM: The Bread of Life

Hi Friends,

I typically use this space to look more ahead than back, but if you missed church last weekend, well...sorry, but you missed out! Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday services were packed with enthusiastic worshippers, culminating with 40 people being baptized on Sunday morning. If you want to catch up, our YouTube page has the links...but wow, I hope the replays capture the energy in the space. It was electric!
This weekend I’ll share message #1 in a new series created as a follow-up to Easter. “I AM” is a survey of the seven metaphorical statements Jesus makes about Himself in the Gospel of John. If you have doubts or questions about Jesus, why He matters, and why He’s worth following, this series is for you.
This weekend I’ll also welcome some of our Kids and Youth staff leaders to join me for a ministry update - included will be some great news: Heather Spronk has accepted a new role on our staff as our Kid's Pastor, Team Leader. Heather’s zeal for kids and families is palpable, something you’ll experience firsthand if you can gather in person or online this Saturday and Sunday, back to our regular times of 7 pm Saturday and 10 am Sunday.

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor


Clothing Exchange

Bring what you've outgrown and take what you need!
Items can be dropped off from 4 pm on April 21 to 11 am on April 22.
-All clothing must be washed and cleaned.
-Items accepting: Men, women and children's clothing, footwear, belts, purses, small household items, small children's toys, and books
-Items not accepted: Car seats, sports equipment, helmets, furniture, damaged goods
You do not need to donate to attend, and everything is free.
Are you interested in volunteering? Sign up today!


Groups Open House

Groups matter because they invite you into a place of deep community where you are known, loved and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus. We know community begins when we move from sitting in rows to doing life in circles together.
On April 22 & 23, immediately after the service, we want to invite you to our Groups Open House hosted in the atrium, where we want to help you journey into deep community. 



If you are new or feeling unconnected and want to find a safe entry point into a group, we want to invite you to ‘Connections.’
Here's what Andrea has to say about her experience at Connections. 'I learned that I am not alone in my faith journey, and I'm beginning to feel connected to my church family. It was a wonderful mix of people from different stages of life.'
Connections will take you on a 4-week journey with others in a medium-sized setting. Here you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a meal, meet others, talk about faith through our current sermon series, and pray for one another.
Connections is a quick and simple way for anyone to find connection leading into community! 


The Sanctuary Course

The Sanctuary Course begins April 20 and includes eight sessions which explore key mental health topics and examine meaningful ways to offer companionship, support recovery, and promote well-being. Each session explores key mental health topics, drawing upon the insights of mental health professionals, church leaders, and people with lived experience. The Sanctuary Course is for anyone who wants to learn about faith and mental health.
The workbook costs $20.00, and registration is required, please.



Groups are a gathering of people from all walks of life where you are invited into a place of deep community, where you can be known, loved, and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.
Check out upcoming group opportunities!
For more information on how you can get connected, please contact groups@spac.ca.


In The Know at SPAC!

Another place to stay In The Know and connected is to follow our social media accounts!
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
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