How Does Faith Inform Your Use of Technology?

January 22, 2021

How Does Faith Inform Your Use of Technology?

"...Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. So they went away by a solitary place." - Mark 6:31

The promise of rest, mentally, physically & spiritually, comes as a gift as we seek undistracted, quiet and solitary time with Jesus. However, these days, we are inundated with the excessive flow of information and our youth are not exempt from the constant distraction and the allure of digital content and social media. In the last decade, youth are experiencing less sleep, an increase in mental illness, and are finding themselves spiritually anemic. While they seek to find rest, youth have placed their desire to relax and find solitude in something not meant to rule and shape their lives.

On average, a student will spend a minimum of 7-8 hours a day behind a screen. According to Barna Group*, 82% of teens and 72% of preteens take their phones to bed with them. More than 62% of parents say their preteen and teen check their phone first thing in the morning, and less than 17% are using their Bible or devotional apps.

In 2007, the "app" store launched, and the age of the smart phone invaded our world. In light of the pervasiveness of technology and the growing connectedness required by living in a pandemic, how do we, as families, equip ourselves and our teens to use the tool of technology in a healthy manner and not be ruled by it? How does faith inform our use of technology and what dangers do we need to be aware of? Come join in the conversation this Tuesday evening at 7 pm as we navigate this world together. Register for Faith @ Home: Navigating Technology With Our Youth.

Pastor James Choi

*Barna Group is a research group that provides spiritual influencers with credible knowledge and clear thinking, enabling them to navigate a complex and changing culture.

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This weekend, we are going to pause from the current regular series, Teach Us To Pray, with Testimonies of the Young Teachers. Get to know the "young" teachers and their hearts. These pastors teach in various settings within the church, and make a significant contribution to the church and the ministries you know and rely on! Meet the young teachers:

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Make prayer part of your daily routine. We invite you to consider joining others who have already signed-up for the One Year Prayer Challenge. This is a way of pledging that you are going to be intentional about carving out regular time to spend with God in prayer. None of us do this perfectly, but being intentional and committed goes a long way and it's great to encourage each other on the journey.

From our end, we'll connect with you once you register provide resources and ideas. Then once a month we'll send a note of encouragement, fresh insights and resources regarding prayer. Here's where you can register.

Prayer is the language of our relationship with God. If there's any other way we can guide your journey, or suggest various resources to help you, please let us know.

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Sylvia Medwid would like to extend her heartfelt thanks to all of her friends at Sherwood Park Alliance Church for their continued love, support and prayers in the loss of her tough, but tender-hearted husband of 51 years, Lloyd Medwid. "I am broken-hearted but grateful. Vaya con Dios! (God be with you!)" says Sylvia.

Obituary for Lloyd Medwid.