Enjoy Each Others Company... Even at a Distance

February 12, 2021

Enjoy Each Others Company... Even at a Distance

"I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be helped on my journey there by you, once I have enjoyed your company for a while." Romans 15:24

If you know anything about the Apostle Paul, you probably know him as the great missionary church planter and author of huge portions of the New Testament. What you may have overlooked is how relationally connected he was. Paul was relationally wealthy. He traveled with friends; he stayed with them; he visited them; he worked alongside them. A quick read through Acts shows Paul's commitment to, and genuine concern for, his friends: Barnabas, Titus, Silas, Luke, Pricilla, Aquilla, Lydia, Onesiphorus, Epapharoditus, John Mark and others.

There's a whole lot more in Romans. In Romans 16 alone he mentions more than 30 names, a chapter oozing with affection. Paul deserves to be remembered most for his commitment to preaching the grace of Jesus, but his deep commitment to relationships is worth highlighting too. Even though Paul communicated spectacularly through his letters, he knew that nothing tops the kind of joy and refreshment that comes from being with much loved people face-to-face.

Monday is Family Day, and for many of us, despite however much we might want it , public health restrictions, distance, and sub-zero cold is going to prevent us from being physically present with people we love. Maybe you can Zoom, FaceTime, Webex, make a phone call or do a drive by - it is possible to maintain vital human connections with friends and family despite the limitations we face. I hope you're able to focus some attention on those who need to know your love this weekend, and I hope they reciprocate!

Let's continue to pray for vaccines, health and healing, for warmer days, and the ability to "enjoy each others company," as soon as possible. Happy Family Day everyone!

Greg Hochhalter
Lead Pastor

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Serenity Prayer.jpgLast weekend, Pastor Greg focused on serenity, and specifically on the Serenity Prayer. Throughout our lives, we are going to experience seasons of pain and hardship; some lasting longer than than others... but we need peace of another kind. The God of the Cross is also the God of the Resurrection. Mary accepted her fate and dealt with a great deal more difficulty as the mother of Jesus. If there's a picture of serenity in the New Testament it's Mary - who experienced a great deal of hurt and pain as a result of her calling, yet, she was faithful. If you missed last weeks message, it is available on-demand to watch and listen to at your convenience.

This weekend, as the Teach Us To Pray series continues, Pastor Brody asks the questions, How do we discern the voice of God today? How do we know it's God speaking? How do we LISTEN to God's voice? Prayer is not simply a one-way street.

Join online through the website or on Facebook and YouTube

Saturday at 7 pm and Sunday 9 am & 11 am

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Prayer is an important part of our faith, and in keeping with the teaching on prayer in the Teach Us To Pray series, you are being called to prayer on Wednesday, February 17 at 8 pm.
It doesn't matter if you are new to prayer or a seasoned prayer warrior! Join this online prayer gathering where you will be lead in prayer by members of our church family, lead in moments of guided prayer, and have an opportunity to pray for each other. Registration is required.

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Pastor Luke and Co-host Pastor Jesse had fun as the second Thursday Night Live streamed on Facebook and YouTube last night. Special guest Dianne Szkarlat, Ministry Assistant, Justice and Compassion shared her journey along with how God has been moving in her life throughout the pandemic. Pastor Greg hosted Who Wants to be a Millionaire! Special thanks to the three contestants who "zoomed-in" from three different cities: Jay from St. Albert, Doug from Edmonton and Jim from Sherwood Park. There were a lot of laughs, camaraderie and prayer.

If you missed it and could use some humour and a bit of distraction, check it out on Facebook; tune-in next Thursday at 8 pm on Facebook or YouTube. No need to register; just mark you calendar and show-up!

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We are sad to announce the passing of our dear wife, mom and grandma, Sue Iwabuchi on February 5, 2021. Deep grief envelops us as we miss her so much, but we are grateful that she did not suffer long and now rejoices in the glorious presence of her Saviour, whom she loved and served all her life. Great comfort is drawn from the assurance this temporary farewell will only last until our own journey comes to an end as we enter into the promised life to come - when our faith too will be sight, just as she already sees.

The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Because of the pandemic attendance is limited. The service will be recorded; to request access to the recording, please email: suesfuneral@gmail.com.

Sue Iwabuchi Obituary (1933-2021)