Hi Friends,I love this quote from Martin Luther King Jr. "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."Permit me to amend it for my purpose:"If you can't be present, watch online, but at service time on Saturday or Sunday, run, walk, crawl...okay drive if you must...but whatever you do, make sure you're with us this weekend!"It's a baptism weekend, and there's nothing better, nothing more motivating, nothing more inspiring and worth celebrating than these testimonies of faith. We've got a big group committed and ready to declare their love for the Lord publicly this weekend, and I'm confident this is going to be one not to miss.Prior to the big baptism event, I'll be continuing our 'Deeply Rooted' series with a quick study on Matthew 6:1-6. Read the text and see if you can spot the irony of this passage being slotted for a baptism weekend!- Greg Hochhalter | Lead PastorBaptism Weekend!Baptism services will be Saturday, October 28 and Sunday, October 29.We are so excited!International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted ChurchJoin us on Sunday, November 5th after the service for lunch and a time of learning and prayer.Please register here so we know how many to expect for lunch. A $5 donation to cover the meal would be appreciated! Hope to see you there.Child DedicationOur next Child Dedication Services are Saturday, November 18 and Sunday, November 19, 2023.Click here if you'd like more information or to register.Operation Christmas ChildBoxes are here! Pick up your boxes after the services on Saturday, Oct 28th and Sunday, October 29th.Bring your filled boxes back on November 11th or 12th.Find out more information by clicking here Team BuildingHaving fun is one of those things that brings a team closer together. We set aside some time each year to do something fun with the SPAC and Treehouse Staff members. We felt like kids again while we played a few rounds of Laser Tag. We laughed a lot and had a wonderful time.Thank you for taking the time to catch up with us! We hope to see you this weekend.In The Know at SPAC! Another place to stay In The Know and connected is to follow our social media accounts! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Feel free to give us a follow, a subscribe, a like, and a share!Thank you for taking the time out of your day to catch up with us! We hope to see you on Saturday at 6pm or Sunday at 10am. In person or online!