Becoming a Beautiful Old Person

August 31, 2024

Becoming a Beautiful Old Person

Hi Church Family

And then there was one...

This weekend I'll be sharing the last message in my Ten Talk series (let the church say 'Amen!'). My text is Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 - the overture to the epilogue of a strange Old Testament book, and the perfect text for my final conventional message while Lead Pastor at SPAC. It's an easy and obvious text choice for the occasion, as the words of the teacher are going to set me up to teach a fascinating, challenging text, and allow me to testify about what I'm learning, why I'm doing what I'm doing, and how I want to live as I age.

And at the end of the message, I'll show you something I've never shared in a large-scale environment. (I'll link the resource below if you need it) It's a visual model a wise mentor gave me, a perspective which has influenced the trajectory of my life profoundly. I'm going to take you 'behind the curtain' so to speak, as I try to describe what it might look like to live as a beautiful old person.

I'd be honoured by your presence in the room or online. 

Take care everyone,

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor

Click here for a copy of the Visual Model