Pitch In!

Every year, Strathcona County encourages the local community to get involved with an initiative called Pitch In. This initiative encourages people to pick a local park and go and help clean it up. This is a great opportunity for us to support our broader community, to be missional and to practice the posture of serving. It will also be a great way to get out and enjoy some fresh air and time with your family or a small group of friends!

You can register now through the Strathcona County website to be a part of this; they will ask you to pick a park you want to clean. The easiest way to choose a park is to look at a map of the county and see which parks are near your house, or near our church. Then the week of May 15-23, grab a garbage bag and some gloves and have fun “pitching in!”

As Pitch In is a Strathcona County initiative, as such they are asking all participants to be mindful of the following:

    •    Follow all provincial guidelines in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19, including outdoor gathering restrictions

    •    Always keep at least 2 metres (6 feet) distance from others, unless the individuals are from the same household

    •    Avoid touching communal surfaces and wash or sanitize your hands frequently

    •    Sharing equipment is not recommended outside of the same household

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rebecca Trask (rebecca.trask@spac.ca)