
June 10, 2022



Congregational Meeting

The Congregational Budget Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM.

For the first time in a long time we will be holding an in-person Congregational Meeting! Registration is not required to attend, so we are looking forward to all being together in the South Gym on June 15. Child care will be available upon request. To sign up for child care and to review meeting documents, please see here.

This meeting is open to anyone who considers SPAC their home, but only members may vote. At this all important gathering we will review the 2023 Ministry Plans and Budget and receive updates on two initiatives approved in June 2021 (Conditional acquisition of the Millbourne Community Life Centre property and the Online Ministry Enhancement Project).

If you are unable to attend on June 15, Lead Pastor Greg Hochhalter and other ministry leaders will provide an opportunity for discussion in post-service "Town Hall Meetings" this weekend after each service on June 11 and 12.


Care Giver's Connect

Care Ministry is hosting a Care-Giver's Connection evening on June 22 at 7 PM.  

This event is for anyone caring for another person or loved one on a daily or regular basis. We invite you to join us and know you're not alone, you're appreciated and you're cared for. It will be an opportunity to connect with others who share a similar journey, to be encouraged and learn a few tools or strategies along the way! 

Please see here for more information and to register.


Pizza with the pastor

If you are new or feel new, we would like to invite you to join us for Pizza with the Pastor to learn more about our church! Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunities to meet others.

Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team.

We are offering two options for Pizza with the Pastor. June 26 is in person following the 10 am service or June 27 at 6 pm online. If you attend online, we will have pizza delivered to your house.

Registration is required for either event.


General Assembly Volunteer Opportunities

General Assembly is a national gathering held every two years by The Alliance Canada. This year, General Assembly will be hosted, in-person and online, at Sherwood Park Alliance Church on July 5-8.  

In order for General Assembly to run smoothly - we need you! Consider some of the volunteer opportunities and register today!  

For more information about General Assembly, schedule, attending etc., please visit


Summer Service Time Change

Starting the weekend of June 25/26, we will be moving to our summer schedule and the weekend services will be as follows for in person and online:

Saturday: 7 pm (no change) | Sunday: 10 am


Online Enhancement

The public weekend gathering is no longer the front door - the digital presence and online experience of church is overwhelmingly our first point of connection with the spiritually curious, and an essential method for initiating and fostering discipling relationships within our congregation. Streaming online is more than a broadcast - it's a platform with which to nuture meaningful connections with online viewers.

The hybrid church is the new normal.

To help support this new normal, we are launching an Online Ministry Enhancement campaign. For more information please see

Serve With Us

We believe that actively serving not only brings us closer to God, but reminds us to love others like he does. Through serving, you'll use the unique ways that God has gifted you to help create welcoming environments where he can change lives.

There are many opportunities to get involved. Go to to learn more. 

Family News

Do you have Family News you'd like to share with our church family? Email and let us know!


If you are newer to the church or just haven't yet signed up to receive the weekly eNews, perhaps you would like to. This is a great way to stay connected with all that is happening around this community! Go to to subscribe. 


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