
June 25, 2021


We received the resignation of our Worship Pastor, Greg Ramsden. Pastor Greg served as worship pastor for almost nine years, at Sherwood Park Alliance Church, but prior to that served alongside Pastor Greg Hochhalter in Kelowna. Over the course of more than a dozen years, Greg has been an invaluable partner whereby together they have facilitated hundreds, possibly close to a thousand worship services, Christmas Eve celebrations, memorial gatherings, and special events. Thank you, Greg, for your influence and for your heart to lead others into the presence of God. We admire your courage to try something new, and we look forward to you leading our church in celebrating your ministry with us until later this summer. Pastor Greg penned his own words to express his feelings about his resignation:

I do have some big news to share with you today. God is doing a new thing in my life and my family's life. I have served as the Worship Pastor here with you for the past eight and a half years. I've loved the responsibility and privilege of guiding worship services and releasing others to do the same. It is a joy to do that. But I have a new direction that is clear for me to move forward with. I will be finishing up my time on staff here this summer in August. I had the joy of accepting a new job in a different field this week. I did not come to this decision quickly, to say the least. This has been a long journey over the course of the last year, but my wife Jaci and I both have a great sense of clarity now to move forward.

I've been in church ministry full time for sixteen years, and several more years before that as a volunteer. Representing Jesus well and doing my part in living as an example of him has been my goal. And that really won't change as I transition into a new career. We are staying in Sherwood Park, which is such a gift to our family. We love it here, though as a Calgary born boy I still really miss being close to the mountains. But this is home, and we love that! We love our friends, our kid's schools, and this community.

This isn't a full goodbye quite yet as I have some weekends ahead of me to be a part of this summer. They will be rich and full of all of the expected emotions. The Spirit will be our guide today and tomorrow. We don't need to worry about that.

I pray that the peace of Christ is with you now and always.
Greg Ramsden

Stage 3: Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions

As we anticipate Stage 3* reopening on July 1, 2021 within our province, many of the protocols and procedures we have been following this past year will no longer be required. Imagine gathering once again to worship and be in the presence of our Lord without having to mask-up, socially distance, register, and take your temperature! If all goes according to plan, we can return to life, or a version of the life we once knew pre-COVID. However, just because we are edging toward a Stage 3 reopening, does not mean that respect and care for one another is not at the forefront. Remember that everyone has their own personal comfort levels, so before you hug someone or shake their hand, ask if he or she is comfortable doing so. Please be mindful of others' personal space and proximity, and honour someone's desire to wear a mask and physically distance.

If you decide that you would like to return to church in-person, please only do so if you feel comfortable and ready. Online services will continue to be offered on Saturday at 7 pm and on Sunday at 10 am.

* Sherwood Park Alliance Church will continue to follow the latest government authority COVID-19 protocols and guidelines. If required, a stage may be paused to respond to the direction given at regional or provincial levels.


Bonfire Nights

We are excited to be able to facilitate a space for the community to safely engage in outdoor gatherings in the church parking lot on Thursday evenings and after service on Saturday nights!

Reserve a spot for your group on Thursday evenings from 6:30-9:00 pm (You may stay longer, just without the fire). Nine firepits are available for reservation . We’ll provide the firepit, the wood, washrooms, and the space to gather, please bring your own chairs. Reserve your firepit...

Saturday nights aren't available for reservations, but feel free to drop in after the 7 pm service and gather around the fire. 

Child Dedication

Interested in Dedicating your Child at our Church?

There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit, and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus.  Child Dedication will be held on the weekend of July 24 & 24. Please register by July 13.

Young Adults (18-25 yrs.)

Our Young Adult ministries exists to grow in relationship with each other, thrive in community together, and grow in our relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus has called us out of isolation and into a journey with Him and those around us. We strive to be a place where every young adult feels known and loved, and where authenticity and vulnerability help us to walk alongside each other no matter the circumstance. 

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7 pm starting July 8. 

We will gather in the back field at the church for a time of community and chill hang outs. 

Connect on Social For all the latest updates check out our Instagram @spac_ya 

Summer Family Kits

Our Summer Family Challenge is created for YOU as a family to have the most memorable summer ever! Running for the months of July and August these Summer Family Kits include fun, faith-focused activities for all ages to complete together – earning points for every challenge along the way.The Summer Family Kits will be available for pick up Friday June 18 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm, Saturday June 19 from 3-5 pm, or Saturday June 19/Sunday June 20 before and after each in-person service.  Register to pick up your kit.

Noon Hour Prayer Gathering

Starting Wednesday March 17, and every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 until June 30 join together in prayer with others to pray for individuals, the church family, our community and our world. Registration is required for each week you would like to participate. Register...


Groups Pastor

This position will be of interest to those with a passion for church growth in both the number and depth of disciples; for seeing people move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity and dedicated to making more disciples. More details...

Communications Manager

We are seeking a gifted and experienced communication professionals who is motivated to use their talents and gifts to grow people, the local church and the kingdom of God. More details...


Family News 

Do you have Family News you'd like to share with our church family? Email and let us know!


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