
August 27, 2021



Life Group Open House

If you’d like to find ways to connect deeper into community and grow in your walk with Jesus, the opportunity to join or lead a life group is one of the best ways to do this! We’d love to help you find a community through either in-person or online group options. Immediately after the services on the September 18/19 weekend we will have a Groups Open House hosted in the North Balcony where you’re invited to learn more about what Groups we have available in our church, how to either join a group or lead one! It would be great if you could put it on your calendar and plan to stick around that weekend and learn more!

Child Dedication

There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit, and the community around us. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus. If you are interested in Child Dedication, please register by visiting the website.


As we look towards building new teams for the fall there are many opportunities to get involved. Go to to learn more.
We believe that actively serving not only brings us closer to God, but reminds us to love others like he does. Through serving, you'll use the unique ways that God has gifted you to help create welcoming environments where he can change lives.


Luke and Jess Knoll have decided to follow God's leading in their life, which will see them moving to a new church family in just a few weeks. Luke's last weekend with us will be the August 28/29 weekend.

We have a tradition here at Sherwood Park Alliance of blessing departing pastors with a financial gift. We want to honor Pastor Luke in the same tradition as he steps off of our pastoral team. If you’d like to contribute to this gift you can do so by contributing to a love offering online or by mailing in a cheque . The easiest way to give to this offering is by going to


We are hiring! Check out the career opportunities currently available and consider whether you might be a fit for our staff team, or alternatively, if you know someone else who might, would you nudge and encourage them to apply?


Do you have Family News you'd like to share with our church family? Email and let us know!


If you are newer to the church or just haven't yet signed up to receive the weekly eNews, perhaps you would like to. This is a great way to stay connected with all that is happening around this community! Subscribe here.


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