


October 24, 2021
Nobody is in a more danger from religion, than the religious, because religion is often toxic. Religion is...
Help Is On The Way

Help Is On The Way

November 21, 2021
Why doesn’t God fix the world that is and make it more like He intended to be –...


December 19, 2021
The grand narrative of the Bible is Good News, not bad. The story of the Bible is NOT...
Jonah Runs

Jonah Runs

February 13, 2022
It's never too late to stop running from God. In chapter 1 we see the first indicators of...
Jonah Prays

Jonah Prays

February 20, 2022
God is never more than one prayer away.
Jonah Whines

Jonah Whines

February 27, 2022
I love grace when God extends it to me. It's God extending it to certain others that most...
How to be Great

How to be Great

March 27, 2022
Anyone who wishes to live and lead like Jesus will need to learn to leverage power and resources...
What is God Like

What is God Like

April 10, 2022
If you’ve ever wondered what God is really like, and found that hard to grapple with, there’s help:...
Wise Discernment

Wise Discernment

November 5, 2022
Turn from prejudice to mercy. Treat the poor and the rich as equally loved and valued brothers and...
Wise Works

Wise Works

November 12, 2022
Wise faith is merciful faith. Faith without mercy is not faith...
Wise Power

Wise Power

December 3, 2022
When handled with wisdom, power becomes power for and power with and not power over. Power for empowers...
New Years Day - 2023

New Years Day - 2023

January 1, 2023
Following Jesus isn’t about trying harder to be good. It’s about listening better to the Voice ...


February 19, 2023
Hosea’s poetry reveals deep truths about God’s character and human nature. God’s ultimate purpose is to heal and...


February 26, 2023
There is a critical relationship between God’s justice and mercy. If God is good, He has to confront...


March 5, 2023
We cling to God’s proven character and promises when things are looking bleak!


March 12, 2023
It may look like the world is evil and out of control, but the promises of God remain....


March 19, 2023
Within the seemingly contradictory concepts of justice and love is found the future hope for our world.


March 26, 2023
Our choices matter. Our obedience to God (or lack thereof) makes a difference, and plays a role in...


April 2, 2023
God’s hopeful promises remain, even when our lives and the world around us are a wild ride. When...
Deeply Rooted...IN PRIVATE

Deeply Rooted...IN PRIVATE

October 29, 2023
So many of us live under the suffocating weight of the approval (or disapproval) of others. Jesus tackles...


November 19, 2023
Deeply rooted followers live free from judgement, knowing that the Father will ultimately judge all things (so we...
The Feast

The Feast

March 3, 2024
The Passover meal, which had been the most important moment in the life and history of Israel, is...
The Cup

The Cup

March 10, 2024
As Jesus begins to experience the spiritual, cosmic, infinite disintegration that would happen when He became separated from...
The Beginning

The Beginning

March 31, 2024
What most thought was the end, was only the beginning. Jesus’ victory over death provides us with assurance...


June 30, 2024
The call of Jesus for deeply rooted followers isn’t to exclusivity…it’s not to merely tolerate people who don’t...